As Sarah Richards has already said, the citizen beta of GOV.UK is as much about radical simplicity in words as it is about design and back-end innovation. In a few murky corridors, clarity is still considered heresy. Alan Maddrell, Content Designer for the Government Digital Service explains how we’re achieving clarity. Write less, say more [...]
If content is king, who rules our land?
GCloud phase 2 – Apply now!
On May 18th, the new and improved Cloudstore was released. With added functionality and more interaction between government and supplier possible, Mark O’Neill, Proposition Director – Services, explains why there has never been a better time to apply to join the GCloud. My colleagues here at GDS have been blogging about our drive to improve services, to [...]
Francis Maude speaks at Intellect Public Services Conference 2012
“Digital is not another channel, it is the delivery choice for this generation” - Francis Maude, Minister for Cabinet Office said at the Intellect World-Class Public Services Conference today, 11 June 2012 This morning I had a chance to speak at the Intellect World-Class Public Services Conference and to listen to the keynote speech delivered [...]
Cabinet Office joins the Open Identity Exchange
On Tuesday, 12th June, Mike Bracken announced that the Cabinet Office will be joining the Open Identity Exchange (OIX). The Identity Assurance Programme team explain how this will enhance a process of collaboration and inform ongoing, small-scale, alpha projects. Recently we blogged about the Cabinet Office Identity Assurance Programme (IDAP) team’s visit to the White [...]
Jordan meets Francis
Last week Jordan Hatch, Developer with Government Digital Service met Francis Maude, Minister for Cabinet Office for a quick chat. Last week, I met with Francis Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office to show him one of the exciting projects that we’ve been working on here at Government Digital Service. The Innovation team have been [...]
Digital a key component for Civil Service Reform Plan
The Minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude today launched the Civil Service Reform Plan and we were glad to welcome him and Sir Bob Kerslake, Head of the Civil Service, to GDS this morning in advance of the announcement. You can see them chatting to GDS staff Alice Newton and Jordan Hatch in the [...]
Riding the Paradigm – where agile meets programme
There are challenges to running an agile approach to delivery inside a larger organisation where agile is not yet fully understood. We are frequently asked how we approach these challenges and manage them here at GDS, so here Mike Beaven explains how we are riding the paradigm and the lessons we have learned along the [...]
Introducing the Digital Performance Framework – Alpha release
Managing transactional services is a complex task and can be quite bewildering with many systems and measurements involved. However, because we have digital tools and technologies, we can now pull together data from lots of different sources and inspire action through powerful visualisations. Adam Bailin from the Performance and Delivery Unit presents the Alpha of the Digital [...]
The speed of change
When a user sent a tweet about a possible improvement on GOV.UK, it became a great example of how quickly an agile team can respond to feedback. Chris Heathcote from the GDS design team explains how size doesn’t necessarily mean slowing of processes. Web development has changed since I was last involved so close to [...]
Open Data White Paper commits Government to publishing Developer Engagement Strategy
The Cabinet Office has today published its Open Data White Paper (Unleashing the potential), a timely move given the UK’s current position as co-chair of the Open Government Partnership of 55 governments. The theme of the UK chairmanship is “Transparency Drives Prosperity” so it’s particularly pleasing to see explicit reference made to the need for [...]
Civil Service Live – Social media workshop
On Wednesday 4th July, GDS ran a 30 minute workshop called ‘Social media guidelines: So what?’ at Civil Service Live. In a slightly departure from the usual presentation style at Civil Service Live, we decided to mix things up. Louise Kidney explains what happens when you get Civil Servants talking. If you always do what [...]
The SEO war – fighting the good fight in search
At GDS we’re using search data to inform every aspect of content production. It’s no dry data analysis though, search logs reveal surprising insights about what people really want. Lana Gibson, Product Analyst at GDS, explains how understanding search behaviour is the root of all good content, and how our search-based approach helps people find [...]
Switching voices – @gdsteam
To coincide with the recent release of the next iteration of GOV.UK, Louise Kidney, Digital Engagement Lead explains why we are changing the name of our Twitter account and what you can expect to see from the renamed @GDSTeam Twitter account. A long time ago, in a far away land, there was @alphagov – a [...]
Webfonts in practice
We started using a new font on GOV.UK last week, and received feedback that it wasn’t working in everyones browsers. Creative lead Chris Heathcote details the changes the team has made to make sure the font works well for everyone. Since the latest beta release on 4th July, we’ve been using a webfont throughout GOV.UK (see Ben’s [...]
Iterate. Then iterate again.
After we launched the iteration of GOV.UK two weeks ago we received a lot of feedback via Twitter and email regarding the changes we had made to the visual design of the site. Alex Torrance, User Experience Designer at GDS explains how that feedback is being used to shape a homepage that meets the users [...]
Public reading stages – a second iteration
Last Thursday the second iteration of a tool to allow comments on Bills passing through the House of Commons process went live. Steph Gray from Helpful Technology explains why a second iteration was needed and how putting users needs first shaped his approach. In the Coalition Agreement, the Government committed to introduce “a new ‘public [...]
EVL is not evil
At GDS we have weekly show and tell sessions where new prototypes and iterations of work are shown. These always focus on user need. A few weeks ago, Tom Loosemore showed us a prototype of a tweaked online tax disc application process and spoke about the brilliant work done by Carolyn Williams, Head of Electronic [...]
Data Driven Delivery
Every year, central and local government serve citizens and businesses through one and a half billion transactions. For the first time, we’ve collected together a list of these transactional services provided by the government, to help departments and agencies systematically measure and improve their performance. Richard Sargeant, Director of Performance and Delivery explains the opportunities [...]
What I’ve learned (so far) doing product management in government
I was recently invited to give a short talk at Agile Teacamp, an event where people come to learn about and share their experiences with agile software development. They’re friendly and informal events held over a cup of tea in a department store cafe. I offered to share some things I’ve been learning and thinking about recently while doing [...]
‘Simpler, clearer, faster’ at the Driving Standards Agency
Youtube is the third biggest website in the world which means a massive potential audience, but only if you get your content right. Here, John Ploughman, Digital Communications Manager at the Driving Standards Agency explained how GDS values inspired a re-evaluation of their content, and the big difference it has made to their audience. Simpler, [...]