Yesterday we hosted Sprint 15, a chance for colleagues from all over government to catch up, swap notes and tips, and find out more about the digital transformation programme.
Two years have passed since we began with Sprint 13, when we promised 400 days of delivery. Yesterday was a chance to see a small fraction of what’s been delivered, and talk about what comes next.
We welcomed guests from France, Estonia and the United States, as well as Minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude, Martha Lane Fox, and the Prime Minister’s Digital Economy Advisor Baroness Shields.
Our thanks to all of them, and to everyone who attended and made it such an interesting and entertaining event.
Here are a few photos and highlights.
Francis Maude: We are building a properly digital government of the future. You should be proud to be at the forefront of digital government worldwide.
Thierry Mandon: I am very impressed. We look to the UK government for inspiration. We need to work on a shared vision for European public service.
Martha Lane Fox: “It’s got to be more of the same. ‘The strategy is delivery’ is absolutely right, but it’s even more inspiring in government.”
“There’s still an opportunity to create a platform from which more services can bloom. The world of broadcast and we-know-best-in-government is over.”
Joanna Shields: “I have the best job in government because I always bring good news, and the digital economy is good news.”
Janet Hughes: “Real people are using GOV.UK Verify to access real services.”
Mark Dearnley: “We are really pleased with our GOV.UK Verify beta. Users really liked the experience. This year, 11,000 people didn’t pay a fine because of Verify.”
Jen Pahlka: “Over the next 10 years, this whole agenda will be changing how people feel about government, and whether they trust you … It can be about life or death. When we remember that, it all comes into sharp focus.”
Siim Sikkut: “In Estonia, our government agencies are banned from asking for the same piece of information twice. That’s a principle.”
Mark Thompson: “For every platform correctly defined, there’s a thriving ecosystem.”
Tim Moss: “We need to understand what the barriers are before we can remove them.”
Tim O’Reilly: “You standardise railways by building tracks … data is the 21st century railway.”
Mike Bracken: “Government as a platform is nothing if we don’t give it values … our software is a public service.”
There are more photos on the GDS Flickr photostream, and plenty of tweets to explore under the #sprint15 hashtag. Thanks once more to everyone who came along – see you again next year.