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200 days of transformation, 200 days to go


Mike Bracken at Sprint 14

We set an ambitious challenge at Sprint 13; transform government in just 400 working days. Today Sprint 14 marked the halfway point, and the results are terrific;

We even saw ministers test working services – Alphas and Betas – in front of a live audience. Mike Beaven and his transformation team have published more about what they’ve done this month, and you can read more detail on the team’s blog.

Transformation panel

The strategy is delivery – transforming government by making things, putting them in front of users, improving them and shipping them.

And we’re delivering by focusing on the things that matter: opening up the supply chain, enabling open and agile teams in departments, and putting a stop to big IT projects. We’re focusing on user needs, not government needs.

We’ll have more to share from the event over the next week, but for now a huge thanks to everyone who took part.

There are 200 days to go – let’s keep delivering amazing things.

Sprint 14 Audience

Publishing Digital Service Assessments


Publishing Digital Service Assessments

The Digital by Default Service Standard comes into full force in April this year. We’ve been running assessments for a while now, and as with the services we assess, we’re also looking to continuously improve the assessment process itself with the feedback we get from services, departments and assessors.

One of the changes we’re now going to make is to publish all the assessment reports that we do. We’ll also publish the self assessments that departments make on smaller services. This isn’t just because we believe in transparency for the sake of public accountability. We think making the reports open is an easy way for service teams to learn from each other, and to raise awareness of the service standard itself.

Today, the report from the assessment of the Intellectual Property Office’s Patent Renewals service will go up on the data at GDS blog, with more reports for other services to follow over the next few days. After that we’ll be publishing the reports on every assessment shortly after they take place – you can subscribe to email alerts from the data blog if you’d like to be kept informed of these.

Follow Mark on Twitter and join in the wider conversation with @GDSteam

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Iterating our support for service managers

GOV.UK page performance: are we fulfilling our content goals?


lana blog

In the content team we’ve developed new theme dashboards that give us a page-level indication of GOV.UK mainstream content performance.

These dashboards are useful to everyone in GDS, as GOV.UK user data can reveal how people interact with government services, and how they’d like to. Data is the voice of our users – we need to interpret this language to give you what you need.

Trying to find a couple of data sources that would give us an insight into the performance of GOV.UK pages wasn’t easy. Our pages have different functions according to the user need they’re meeting, and Google Analytics can quickly turn into a rabbit warren without a clear idea about how a page should be working. Add to that the fact that the Google Analytics data we use is sampled, and you’ve got some pretty big challenges to overcome.

After lots of trial and error, we stripped our analysis back to show us whether we’re meeting the original aims of GOV.UK, namely:

Using the Google Analytics API, which John will blog about separately, we’re able to isolate the most useful Google Analytics metrics in our own customised spreadsheet. This allows us to include data from other sources, such as user comments from Zendesk.

Are we optimising for the common case?
Unique pageviews

GOV.UK is probably just as successful for what we’ve left out, as what we’ve included. We need to see at a glance what content is getting the most traffic so that we can ensure that the most popular content is really good, and is prioritised within the site. Likewise if content isn’t being used, we need to question why. The first column shows how much traffic each page is getting, and the pages are ordered by popularity.

For example in the Education dashboard, the most popular page Student finance login is getting about 200K more unique pageviews than the second most popular – the Student finance guide. A bit digging reveals that this is because these students are returning visitors – they’ve already created their student finance accounts, and now just need to log in to these accounts. Even those unfamiliar with student finance can see at a glance what the top user need within the Education section is.

How is the common case changing?
Percentage changes in unique pageviews, month to month

Which brings us to the second column, which shows month-to-month changes in unique pageviews. We need to monitor changes in user needs and reflect these on the site.

For example, the Winter Fuel payment benefit got about 160% more traffic from October to November, and is now the fourth most popular benefit. We prioritised this content in the browse page, and made sure people were getting what they needed from related links. It’s pretty obvious that winter-related content will get more popular in winter, but with thousands of pages on the site we need an over-arching view of demand cycles.

Here you can see how demand for the Winter Fuel payment benefit has varied from July to mid-December. See a post on GOV.UK traffic from last winter if you’re interested in seasonal cycles.

Of course not all changes in popularity are related to seasonal demand. Sometimes traffic will change in response to changes we make to the content, like if we’ve optimised content to appear higher in Google, or added a link that generates a lot of traffic to a page. For example, pageviews to our Make a SORN page increased by about 70K from October to November because we added a link to this page from the car tax related links section. Likewise a change we make could inadvertently reduce traffic – we need to keep an eye on this.

Are people finding our content in Google?

The next column shows how many people are coming to a page from outside GOV.UK. This figure covers people coming from a link on another site, typing the URL in the address bar, or using a bookmarked link, but generally our external traffic comes from Google. So this column gives us an indication of whether Google is acting as the home page for GOV.UK. People looking to get something done online have a specific task in mind, and often and don’t know or care whether government provides the service. They’ll search for their need in Google and choose the best result.

For example the Jobseeker’s Allowance browse page is only getting about 6% entrances, which seems alarming. But we need to consider the context. This is a browse page, we’d rather people got straight to the actual content page that fulfilled their need. In this case it’s the Jobseeker’s Allowance guide, which as you can see below gets a higher percentage of entrances (though this could still be improved).

How can we be simpler, clearer and faster?
Searches on pages

The fourth column reveals how many people are searching on each page. This metric allows us to make GOV.UK simpler, clearer and faster by giving people what they want on a specific page so they don’t have to search. See our blog post The search is over… almost! to find out what we’ve done with the Search pages report in Google Analytics.

This is our starting point for page-level performance analysis. We also have a user comments column waiting in the wings for when we can plug Zendesk data into the spreadsheets. User comments are probably the most useful bit of data we have, as people can tell us exactly what they want on every content page. Data is the voice of our users, and we’re doing our best to interpret this language with both the dashboards, and our deeper content analysis with Google Analytics.

Note: sampled data means that Google Analytics has only given us data based on a proportion of visits to GOV.UK, and this proportion varies. This will be less of an issue when Google increase the amount of unsampled data we can get, but in the meantime we’ve designed the dashboards to give content insight despite this limitation. Anyone using the dashboard needs to refer to corresponding reports on Google Analytics before using the data.

 Follow Lana on Twitter, join the @GDSteam conversation and don’t forget to sign up to email alerts. Need more than 140 characters? See our contact and email information here.

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GDS visits UKGovcamp


On Saturday 25th January 2014 we visited UKGovcamp; the annual ‘unconference’ for people interested in how the public sector does digital stuff. The event was held at City Hall, Southbank, London.

Find out more at: http://www.ukgovcamp.com/


Jeremy Gould, Founder UKGovcamp
I spent 2006 and 2007 meeting lots of really interesting people around government and around the outskirts of government, and working for large organisations who were interested in working with government, and I kept thinking, wouldn’t it be great to get them all in the same room together in one day. And that’s really what Govcamp was about.

Lizzie Bell, Ofsted
UKGovcamp is an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded people and also to meet people outside the kind of people that you’d normally work with or meet in professional life.

Rhammel Afflick, Govcamp attendee
My favourite thing about Govcamp has to be the people really because everyone’s really welcoming and everyone’s really respectful of their views.

Mark O’Neill, Government Digital Service
It provides a very supportive environment for conversations and topics that are sometimes very challenging because we’re talking about collectively how do we deliver the kind of services that people should get not the services that we think they should receive.

Rhammel Afflick
The idea is that you turn up and there is no agenda essentially, the people who are part of the audience, part of the event, get the opportunity to pitch an idea.

Lloyd Davis, UKGovcamp compere
That’s the thing that’s really always so important is that we haven’t decided what it is they’re going to talk about; they talk about what they want.

Livia Oldland, Cambridge County Council
It’s my first time in Govcamp today, and I’ve really liked the unconference style, meeting lots of new people, meeting people from government working in technology.

Mark O’Neill
I think an awful lot of the changes we’ve seen in recent years in terms of focus on the user, digital transformation, I think those would have been an awful lot harder to drive forward without Govcamp.

Looking back at Sprint 14


Sprint 14

We made two short videos for Sprint 14 that give you a little glimpse into the work being done by teams all over the country to transform services. Both show what it’s like to be working on the exemplars, but they’re also a celebration of how far we’ve come in the last 200 days.

Improving GOV.UK on mobile devices



Mobile use on GOV.UK has increased significantly since launch in October 2012, moving from around 15% to 23% of the overall audience.

We are now starting to improve the experience for mobile and tablet users accordingly, so here’s an outline of a couple of simple initial changes we’ve made.

Prioritising content

Screen space is in short supply on small devices. So making good use of what’s available is really important.

One thing that had troubled me for some time was how little content was actually immediately visible in the view on a lot of pages when browsing on mobile. The navigation and titles dominated too heavily.

We’ve just deployed some changes that help tighten up this space and get more of what our users need in front of them — content.

It’s a subtle change, but an important one.

Before and after mobile changes

Testing our assumptions

Another thing that I think we’ve needed to address for a while is the ‘Not what you’re looking for’ link in mobile views seen above, and below in more detail.

'Not what you are looking for' link example

Some background

On desktop screens, related links are shown to the right of the main body of content. This is to help users navigate to content that is associated with what’s in front of them (and in some contexts may be more useful). Though this depends of course on how they found their way to the page.

On small viewport screens however, there is no space to show these links in the same position, so instead they sit at the foot of the page.

The ‘not what you’re looking for’ link was originally added in the belief that it was still important to allow users immediate access to these ‘near-miss’ pieces of content on mobile.

What’s never sat right is how jarring it is to be presented with a statement ‘Not what you’re looking for’ as soon as you arrive on a page. It assumes a user is in the wrong place and second guesses their intentions.

Decisions based on data

We don’t like to remove things based on hunches. Our iterations are based on users’ behaviour and research.

So, we added click tracking to the ‘not what you’re looking for’ link at the end of last year with a view to waiting and letting the data do the talking.

The result was unanimously in favour of the redundancy of this link.

Just 0.352% of pageviews in mobile viewports resulted in the link being clicked.

So, we have removed this item, safe in the knowledge that it will not be missed and that the related links are still there at the foot of the page where they are still useful.

What’s next

We have more improvements in the pipeline to improve the experience of GOV.UK on different devices and will keep you updated as and when we ship them.

What is identity assurance?


Identity assurance is a new service that will give people a secure and convenient way to sign in to government services.

Why we need identity assurance

The 25 exemplar services (the government services that make up the digital transformation programme) will make it possible to do a range of things you can’t easily do online now; like register to vote, view your driving record or tax details, apply for an apprenticeship and manage your student loan.

When you use these services, you want to be confident that someone else can’t sign in pretending to be you, see your sensitive personal records or use your identity to make fraudulent claims. You want to be confident that your data and services are secure and your privacy protected.

The government departments providing these services need to verify your identity to make sure the right people are accessing the right information. That’s why we’re building the identity assurance service.

Verifying your identity - GOV.UK

How we will provide user choice, control and privacy

When you’re using digital services you want to be sure that your privacy is being protected and your data is secure.

We’ve been working for the last three years with our Privacy and Consumer Advisory Group to help make sure we’re designing a service based on user choice, control and privacy.

Last summer the group published a draft set of identity assurance principles to make sure the service is designed and operates in a way that is transparent, protects your privacy and gives you control over how your data is used. We will  be publishing a document in the next few weeks explaining in detail how we’ve designed the service to reflect the principles.

Who will verify your identity

When one of these digital services needs to verify your identity, you’ll be directed to a page on GOV.UK where you’ll be asked to register with an identity provider. If you’ve already registered, you can just sign in.

Identity providers are organisations paid by the government to verify people’s identity so they can sign in securely to government services. Identity providers will have to meet industry security standards and identity assurance standards published by the Cabinet Office and CESG (the UK’s national technical authority).

There are currently 5 identity providers – Digidentity, Experian, Mydex, the Post Office and Verizon – eventually there will be more. You can choose to register with more than one of them, and you can stop using an identity provider at any time.

Why we’re using identity providers

There are 5 main reasons why we’re using identity providers rather than doing this work within government:

1. user choice – you will be able to choose your identity provider(s) and stop using a provider if you want

2. no centralised identity database – instead, to protect users’ privacy, each identity provider will be responsible for securely and separately holding data about the users that have registered with them. Each government department service will only have access to the data it needs.

3. security – using several identity providers is more secure and less vulnerable; there is no single point of failure and no single service that holds all the data in one place

4. developing a market – we’re giving identity providers freedom to design services to meet the standards. This will allow them to develop services that can be used by the wider public and private sector, which will help to reduce costs.

5. making the most of available technology – the technology and methods for identity verification are constantly evolving; specialist private sector organisations are better placed than government to keep up with these developments

Identity providers will have to operate according to strict security and operations standards, to protect users’ security and privacy and to make sure the required standards are met.

How the identity assurance process works

Your chosen identity provider will ask you for some information that helps establish that you are who you say you are. No single piece of information is sufficient to achieve the required standards; they will need to ask you for a range of information.

Identity providers will check to make sure information you’ve provided is valid and genuine. Your chosen provider will be able to send your passport and driving licence details to the government agency that issued them to ask if they match a valid record. Identity providers will also be able to check databases of known fraudulent documents, including police databases. They won’t have access to confidential information held about you by other government services. They can check other records they have access to from within the private sector, like information from credit reference agencies.

One of the benefits of the new service is that most people will be able to complete the registration process online, without having to wait for documents or instructions to be sent in the post as happens with existing services like Government Gateway.

We’re working with the identity providers to make sure that people who don’t have specific official documents like a passport or driving licence will still be able to achieve the required level of assurance through other means.

Once the identity provider has verified your identity, you will be given a secure means of signing in.

Different levels of assurance for different services

Some services don’t need to know who their users are. If you want to order a document, the service provider only needs to know where to send it. Other services will need to be more confident that you are who you say you are; for example, if you’re going to be able to see sensitive personal details, or make a claim for payment.

Each service will assess risks by considering things like whether sensitive data can be seen and whether money transactions take place, in order to decide what level of identity assurance they need.

The guidance on how to assess risks to online services is published on GOV.UK.

Identity assurance will initially be available for services that need to be confident that a user is who they say they are to ‘level of assurance 2’ according to the published guidance. This is a moderate level of security, more than just a basic check, and enough to be able to access quite a big range of services.

What’s next

By March 2014, we will be in private beta and the first users will be able to use identity assurance to sign in to a government service. The private beta is the first version of the service, available to a small number of selected users so we can test and develop it further.

The private beta will initially include two exemplar government digital services – HMRC’s PAYE and DVLA’s view driving record service. These services will use identity assurance to allow about 2,000 users to sign in securely. We’ll use the private beta to learn from our first users’ experiences and continue to develop the service. From April onwards, we’ll start adding more services and more users.

We’ve been blogging about our work on the GDS blog and more recently on our own identity assurance programme blog. We’ll be producing a lot more posts over the coming weeks and months; looking at different aspects of the service, sharing what we learn from the private beta, reporting on our ongoing user research and hearing your feedback.

We have a range of topics we’re planning to post about, and we’re keen to answer questions like the ones Paul Clarke posed in his recent post. If you have any issues you want us to cover please let us know.

Follow Janet on Twitter and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts.

You may also be interested in:

Identity Assurance: First delivery contracts signed

Advisory group publishes identity assurance principles for consultation

Identity Assurance: Maintaining Good Practice

Striking a balance between security and usability


Mike Bracken at Code for America

Last year our boss Mike Bracken talked at the Code for America Summit in San Francisco, and spoke about the need to strike a balance between usability and security. There is a point beyond which over-zealous security gets in the way, and puts people off using the technology that’s being protected.

We wanted to explore this in a bit more detail, so we asked out director of technical architecture, James Stewart, to talk us through the issues. We wanted to know: how much security is too much? How do you find the right balance?

In this short interview, James talks about taking a “measured approach” to security that looks at likely risks in context. New services must be secure and fit for purpose. It’s no use making something secure if that results in a service that’s unusable. In practical terms, that means making sure that everyone on a project is thinking about security and possible “misuse cases” – it’s not a job that should be hived off to a separate team.

To listen to the full interview (about 10 minutes), click the play button in the embedded SoundCloud widget below. Alternatively, you can download the audio directly from the Internet Archive.

Follow James on Twitter: @jystewart

Follow Giles on Twitter: @gilest


Interviewer: Hello. Can you tell me who you are and what you do?

James Stewart: I’m James Stewart. By GDS standards I’m a long-time member of the GDS team, and I’m currently director of technical architecture.

Interviewer: What is a director of technical architecture?

James: It’s a new role that we’ve only introduced quite recently. It’s about establishing a new way of doing technical architecture in an agile, digital delivery kind of world, making sure that the way that we build systems is flexible; that we’re approaching things in a coherent way across government, and also taking responsibility for the products that we build at GDS and the platforms that we build; that they’re fit for purpose; that they can evolve as our user needs evolve. All that kind of thing.

Interviewer: For the benefit of the uninitiated, what is technical architecture? What does that mean?

James: Well, that really depends who you talk to, and the organisation that you’re working within. But generally, it is about taking a step back from the way that bits of code are being written, to think about the system as a whole, thinking about products as a whole, or platforms, and making sure that they’re fitting together in a coherent way; that they’re exhibiting whatever characteristics your organisation needs, and that you’re looking a little bit ahead. In agile, you’re always trying to focus on which value, which bit of value are we trying to deliver immediately? What are we trying to get to next? But it’s always important to be looking a little way ahead. Is this going to be flexible to the directions that we want to take it in? Is this coming together to meet the general requirements to meet user needs? Rather than just, does this piece of code work in a micro-perspective?

Interviewer: Fantastic. Let’s talk a little bit about security. When Mike Bracken went to the Code for America conference, one of the things he said was this:

The third one is security. I don’t mean Snowden security; I mean this pernicious view that security must come ahead of usability at all times. When I started in government, I was given a laptop that required 22 discreet pieces of information so that I could work it. I couldn’t send an email to all my staff, and why not? Because of security. We’ve just got to get usability ahead of security.

Two things arise out of that. What is the “pernicious view” that he’s talking about, and why do we need to get usability ahead of security?

James: It’s very common for people to take a very, very risk-averse approach to anything that they’re building. Whenever you’re providing a service or building a system that people have to use, there’s a set of risks around that, and that’s the case whether you’re doing it in government or doing it for something that you might use in your home. But you have to be thoughtful and careful about balancing risks.

Rather than listing out everything that could possibly go wrong with something that you build, and then protecting against every single one of those, think about what, would the outcome be if that thing went wrong? Think about how likely is it that that’s going to happen? And take appropriate steps to prepare for those situations.

People in general aren’t great at thinking through risks and thinking through things in that kind of measured way. We can get scared quite easily, or we worry about things which are what’s on our mind, not the sort of balanced, really think this through approach. Often in computing, in service design in general, in all of those areas, people have taken this approach of: “We need to make this secure because people are going to want to attack it, and therefore we need to lock it down in every way that we possibly can.” But that stops people using it, and it means that any efforts that you’re making to meet user needs are flustered; they’re blocked by the fact that people can’t use this thing.

If we want people to work with government online, to adopt Digital by Default, we need to make those services that people want to use, and that are simple enough for them to use, and we need to start with that. We need to start with: how are we going to make these services really great? How are we going to make them attractive to people? Then think about the risks around that in that context, and always driving back to: how are we making this fit for purpose and something that people will want to use?

That can often mean having to think outside the box around security; think about how you can, not just lock things down, but perhaps seek verification for something through a different channel. Rather than making it such that you have to enter lots and lots of pieces of information to sign into a system, that you use different channels for checking that information.

You know that somebody’s got a mobile phone. You could send a message to that; gives you a little bit of extra verification of their identity. Rather than asking them half a dozen extra questions, can we use these different tools at our disposal to balance the security and the usability of a service? It’s really vital that we do that, if we actually want people to use these services. People just aren’t going to use them unless they can.

Interviewer: How do you strike the right balance between those two opposing criteria; between the security and the usability? At what point does something become insecure because it’s too usable, or the other way round?

James: I think we have to not really set those things up quite in opposition. They’re often in tension, but they’re not necessarily opposed. You might find that you think that the best way to give people a great experience of a service is to put on one page on the web everything that you know about them. There’s a lot of risk associated with doing that. It means that somebody who’s malicious who’s just looking over their shoulder suddenly knows everything about them, and can use that to commit identity theft, so you probably don’t want to be doing that.

But actually when you look at it, putting everything that you know on one page is probably information overload for somebody as well. One of our design principles is: “Do less”, and it’s a really good idea to think about that throughout the whole thing. “What’s the real core of what we’re trying to do and what we’re trying to offer people? Let’s not decorate that with lots of extra information.”

That’s a really good starting point, is that: “Do less. What’s the real core of what we’re trying to do?” Then start doing real user research, and exploring, “What are the particular risks that we’re trying to protect against, here, and how do other people think about those? How do the users of our service think about it?”

A very common one is if you’re sending an email to somebody as part of your service, and you’re putting a link in that, that sets up a context where it might be quite easy for somebody to forge that email and send people a link that looks like it’s to your service, but actually it’s to their honeypot thing that will capture their credit card details and steal all their money. It’s called phishing. We have to really think about how we’re signalling to people whether this is a genuine email or not, and you can only really do that if you start sitting down with them, understanding: how do they read those emails? How else to they receive information? How do you give them confidence in the right things? A lot of it’s back to, work with the users as closely as you can.

Most people who use the internet much have received a lot of phishing emails, whether they call them that or not, but the things that pretend to be from HSBC or pretend to be from HMRC, offering you a tax refund, if you just give them every piece of information they could possibly want. People know there’s an issue there, and then they just want to make sure that they’re not really inconvenienced by what you do.

But generally there are all sorts of techniques, and you have to think about what could go wrong if this thing got exploited. How likely is it that they’ll be exploited, and then what do we do? Do you actually make sure that you always include a phone number; that people can call up to verify that this email was real? Or do you just offer them part of the information that they need, so that they can match that with what they already know about the way that they’ve used your service, and see that it’s genuine?

It’s one of the many things that we do that really lends itself to the cross-disciplinary way of doing things, that we want everybody to be building into their services. There are content issues, there are design issues, there’s technology, there’s just general service design; it all comes together.

All too often, it’s been the case that people have approached security as something that either people who deal with compliance and writing documents deal with, or that the techies deal with. It’s a fundamental part of the service; it’s not this separate thing that one team thinks about, and that email thing is a really good example of why that’s the case.

Interviewer: The whole team needs to be thinking about it from day one?

James: Yes. But making sure that they do it proportionately; that they don’t get paralysed by fears about security; that they’re just sort of conscious. There are some nice techniques, like one of our colleagues elsewhere in government talked about “misuse cases”. When you’re writing some user stories and thinking about your use cases for some feature that you’re building, also think about the misuse cases; think about how somebody might play with what you’ve built, or abuse it. That’s quite a nice technique.

Sharing Sprint 14


With Sprint 14 now behind us, we wanted to share Baroness Martha Lane Fox’s opening speech, and the presentations and workshops given on the day.

Martha used her talk to remind everyone how far we’ve already come in our mission to transform government services – and how hard the work left to do is. If you can’t watch the video you can read a transcript below.

The day then turned to digital public service showcases –  demonstrating how transactions like registering to vote, applying for a visa, tacking PAYE for employees, viewing your driving record or organising a prison visit have been transformed into digital services.

Workshops and talks

The parallel discussions were workshop focusing on specific topics – including an online identity panel discussion, a digital capabilities break-out session and a talk by Go ON UK about their work towards making the UK the world’s most digitally skilled nation.

Tom Read discussed fixing government technology, whilst Raphaelle Heaf lead a discussion on working with suppliers on the new Digital Marketplace in government.

The day concluded with a panel discussion on the topic of challenges and priorities for 2014.

We’ve included presentations from the parallel discussions below for those of you who couldn’t make it, or if you need a refresher:

Join the discussion on Twitter @GDSTeam, and sign up for email alerts.

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Looking back at Sprint 14

SPRINT 14 – Showcasing digital public services – simple, clearer, faster

Watch all of the action from SPRINT 13


(Applause) [0:00:07] Good morning. Can you hear me? Good morning. Last time I came to this building it was for a very, very high-glitz celebrity party and everywhere you turned you bashed into somebody who was on television. I can tell you this room is full of much, much, much more important people right now, so I feel very honoured.

I have a very small brain, as Mike knows, and I can only ever write three or four things on a piece of paper, which is why my report that kicked all of this off was very short [0:00:37] and why I’ve really only got a couple of things to say to you this morning, the first of which is a very heartfelt thank you, properly, a big thank you. It’s only one person saying, “Thank you,” but I’m speaking on behalf of the millions of people that use Government services every day and who have seen a massive leap forward in how easy it is to use them.

I still get a thrill, because I’m slightly tragic, when people say to me, “Did you know that it’s really much easier to look up…?” whatever it is online, your driving licence [0:01:07] or do something. I say, “Yes, I did actually; I think it’s brilliant.” It’s fantastic when I get tweets or I hear from people round the world who cannot believe what GOV.UK has done. I can’t even go near the Design of the Year Award; that was just completely awesome. Thank you; thank you from me but thank you also for all the people who are finding that Government surprises them. That’s quite an extraordinary thing to have achieved.

The second thing, which I’m sure many of you are aware, is that this year is [0:01:37] the 25th anniversary of the invention of the World Wide Web. At the risk of sounding like a terrible namedropper, when I was talking to Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, in case you didn’t know, and my close personal friend – not really (laughter) – he said to me that… I asked him about this year and what was happening and he said, understandably, that he was a bit embarrassed. He didn’t really want to go there, but the Americans were building him a sort of tribute park and they were doing some enormous thing to say, “Well done for inventing the World Wide Web.”

It [0:02:07] got me thinking and I was thinking, “What the hell are we doing? We are his home country,” so I’ve been on a kind of mission to make sure that the UK recognises Tim’s amazing achievement. Actually when I stand here – and I was thinking about [it] this morning – you guys can help me, because I don’t think there could be a better testament to his invention than Government, one of the most important forces in UK society and economy, embracing the Web in the way that he wanted, making it open, making it [0:02:37] inclusive, making it transparent, making it available to all people at the best possible quality.

It’s in your gift to continue what Tim started. What an incredible position to be in, to be able to lead the world in how Government thinks about the delivery of its services, going back to that original spirit that Tim had when he produced his first paper about the World Wide Web, which I’m sure many of you know he handed to his boss and his boss wrote on the top, [0:03:07] “Vague, but interesting.” (Laughter)

This is not vague and what you are doing is certainly interesting. On behalf of Tim, please continue on this journey, because the UK has an opportunity to continue to be world leading. We’re doing lots of exciting things in the technology space, but it’s not easy and it never stops. I think maybe the weather today is quite a good sign for all of this; it’s a bit of a struggle, it’s quite hard, you think, “Can I be bothered?” You’ve got to carry a lot of things, you maybe fall over – I [0:03:37] definitely fall over – but it’s worth doing and worth continuing.

The final thing I want to say to you is please don’t be dispirited if the journey is a bit more bumpy this year. “Keep calm and carry on,” in the words of the mugs and posters that seem to be all over the place these days. This is the hard bit. I so remember in Lastminute.com when people would come up to my desk and go, “It’s just not the same any more.” I’d say, “What do you mean?” and they said, “It’s just not the [0:04:07] same; you don’t stand on a desk, and we don’t have cake on Fridays, and you don’t have lots of fuck-ups from customers in the middle of the night.” I’m like, “No, exactly; we’re growing up, we’re becoming more professional.”

Sure, you lose some stuff over here, but you gain a lot over there, the potential for real scale change being one of the most important. Everybody goes through the teething pains, there are always bumpy bits in the road, but it requires absolute commitment and total clarity to keep going. That’s what I think this next year is [0:04:37] going to be about.

If you ever ask me back in the future, then it would be amazing to look back and say, “This really was the year when we moved from Government thinking, ‘That’s all quite interesting over there’ to this being a proper paradigm shift in how things are done.” That, to me, is what I was trying to urge Francis to take on when I wrote my report. Of course, in a much more profound way, that was what Tim was trying to do when he invented the World Wide Web.

I’m serious – 25th birthday of the Web; I cannot think of a better [0:05:07] birthday present than Government delivering on its promise of much more open, much more inclusive, much better services. Thank you, really, for everything that you’ve done and for everything that I know you’re going to do this year. Have a fantastic day, thank you (applause).


How to find all the maps published on GOV.UK


A map showing the marine conservation zone 2013 designation: Thanet Coast

Government does a lot of stuff with maps, and if you like maps you might like to know about this clever trick for finding every single one that gets published on GOV.UK.

Start off at the Publications page, which by default shows you everything – all publications, on all topics, from every department. Look closer, though, and you’ll see the filter tools on the left that allow you to drill down to the stuff that you’re interested in.

For maps, then, click the “Publication type” filter and select Maps from the list. The list of tens of thousands of publications is suddenly reduced to a much more manageable few dozen.

If you’re a really keen map addict (some people are), you can use the updates tools at the top of the filtered list to sign up for an email alert every time a new map is published, or grab a RSS feed (shout out to the RSS massive).

We’re just using maps as an example, but there’s lots more you can discover lurking behind the publication filters. Whether you want to see open public consultations on business and enterprise or independent reports published by the Department of Education or perhaps transparency data from the Treasury, it’s all there.

Either way, enjoy the maps.

Weekend links


We wanted to try something new – sharing the things we’ve liked over the past week in a blog post. Let us know what you think: @GDSTeam

2014 is the Year of Code – encouraging people across the country to get coding for the first time.

Find out more about how we use github on our technology blog.

The GDS design blog asks: how do people use related links?

If you want to apply for the civil service fast track apprenticeship scheme you have until Wednesday 19th.

The National Archives create a huge variety of podcasts – if you want something interesting to listen to this weekend you can find them here.

We liked this post over on the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency blog about an unlikely cause for squeaky brakes.

New funding has been allocated for new ways to encourage voter registration.

We discovered Hemingway app  to help us make our writing clearer.    

And finally …

This week we had a visit from HRH The Duke Of York, who came to GDS to find out more about what we do. Among the topics discussed were apprentices, digital government, and getting SMEs involved with digital services. See more images from his visit here.

Duke of York visits GDS

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Guest Post: Clarity is king – the evidence that reveals the desperate need to re-think the way we write


Mark Morris is Head of Clear English at the Department of Health and a former speechwriter for the Health Secretary.

Mark Morris - Department of Health

Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is.

So said Publilius Syrus, about two thousand years ago.  He had a point.

The way we speak, speaks volumes.  Whether someone begins a sentence with, “Mr Speaker…” or ends one with “innit?” tells us a huge amount about who they are, where they’re from and even what they’re doing.  The same goes for the way we write.  Words have power.  Unfortunately, as civil servants we are serial abusers of that power.

A few years ago, Linguistic Landscapes, an independent language consultancy, analysed 6 years of research into how Department of Health documents went down with their intended audiences.

Their report found that too much of our writing was either not understood, greeted with cynicism, found irrelevant or just plain boring.

Only this month, in a response to a consultation on changes to NHS pensions, one pension scheme member said:

This paper is unnecessarily complicated to read and the use of jargon makes it impossible to follow the government’s intentions with this proposal. The application of Plain English would ensure full understanding of the planned changes to NHS pensions.

This, not to put too fine a point on it, is not good.

Across government, our sentences are too long, our words too complex, and our phrases stuffed with management jargon, technical language and acronyms.  It’s enough to bring people out in a rash.

Even if people do understand the words we use, they’re still unlikely to read them.  In 2012, research by Christopher Trudeau at the Thomas M Cooley Law School in Michigan, into the use of language in legal documents found two things, one obvious, the other surprising.

First, when given a choice, 80% of people preferred sentences written in clear English (for example, 97% preferred ‘among other things’ over the more traditional Latin phrase ‘inter alia’) and the more complex the issue, the greater that preference.

Secondly, the research found that the more educated the person, the more specialist their knowledge, and then the greater their preference for plain English.  The old argument (or ‘excuse for lazy writing’) that ‘these readers will understand this language’ may be true, but it doesn’t mean they want to read it.  Do you?

Remember this: those with the highest literacy levels and the greatest expertise tend to have the most to read.  They just don’t have the time to wade through reams of dry, complicated prose.  This is supported by some 2012 research by Ipsos MORI for the Department of Health.  One person said:

If the target is to increasingly be frontline clinicians, they’ve got to be realistic in what they expect those people to have time to go through.  [What they write] needs to have greater brevity and clarity and will need to be more succinct.

As civil servants, we have a reputation for incomprehensible writing.  But in five years of running speech writing and clear English training courses, I have found that fault lies less with people’s ability, more with the pressure – perceived or real – to conform to a supposed ‘civil service style’.  We become institutionalised.  Yet when given the right support, the permission and the clear expectation that they should write clearly, they do.

That’s what we’re looking to do in the Department of Health.  We’re looking at everything from recruitment and induction to better policy making and annual review. We’re also creating a range of online training resources, all available in one place and drawing on best practice from across government.  These will cover everything from how to use an apostrophe to how to answer a Parliamentary question.

In work, we write so we can do something.  If you want your writing to achieve its goal, then do all you can to make life easy for your reader.  Keep it short, avoid unnecessary technical language and use clear, simple words.  It will increase your chances of being read and understood rather than skimmed or binned.

If your organisation has developed good ways of improving the quality of writing, do get in touch.  If we share our expertise and experience, we can all get better together.

If you have questions or comments, please drop Mark a line: Mark.morris@dh.gsi.gov.uk

Continue the conversation on Twitter @GDSTeam, and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts.

You may also be interested in:

Rewriting policy plainly

Writing simply: languages choices for the GOV.UK navigation

Writing guidance for the service design manual

GDS this week: Innovating with SMEs and fast track apprentices


Speaking on the day HRH The Duke of York visited GDS, Dr. Brian Gannon of Kainos Software talks about the innovative work SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) are doing with government departments like DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency). During the visit, the View driving record service was demo’d by Rohan Gye, Iain Patterson and Dudley Ashford of DVLA.

The visit was also an opportunity for HRH The Duke of York to meet GDS fast track apprentice Michael Stokes and Jerry Arnott, Director of Civil Service Learning, who speaks here about how the Fast Track Apprenticeship Scheme is helping transform the Civil Service.

Follow Dr. Brian Gannon, UK Civil Service and HRH The Duke of York on Twitter:

Dr. Brian Gannon: @bjgann@KainosSoftware

UK Civil Service: @UKCivilService

HRH The Duke of York: @TheDukeOfYork

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GOV.UK page performance: are we fulfilling our content goals?

Browser, operating system and screen resolution data for GOV.UK


Dr. Brian Gannon, Kainos: This evening we were meeting with HRH The Duke of York with Francis Maude, telling him about one of the exemplars that we’re working on with the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency). The Duke of York really was interested in the SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) contribution and how that’s working with government because he’s really eager to promote British innovation. I’ve been in IT (information technology) and developing solutions for 25 years. This is the first time that it’s really working. The developers in a typical project are now much more empowered than they ever were before, they’re much closer to the customer, they’re getting direct, regular feedback so that means they come up with a much more informed and customer aligned product.

Civil Service Fast Track Apprenticeship Scheme

Jerry Arnott, Director Civil Service Learning: I was invited a few days ago to come along here knowing that HRH The Duke of York would be making a visit. He was interested in meeting the apprentices who are actually based in GDS. What we’re keen to do with the scheme is to attract some of the best young talent in the country to come into the Civil Service, apprentices spread all over the UK, working in different roles in different departments with the ambition that it’s the best apprenticeship scheme in the country. Because we’re targeting 18-21 year olds, we are bringing the future generation into the business so they’re in touch with the future and I think that’s incredibly important for transforming the Civil Service.


DVLA, we salute you


My first visit to meet DVLA in Swansea back in the summer of 2012 filled me with hope.

I met Carolyn Williams MBE, who runs DVLA’s tax disc service. She showed me a wonderfully well-categorised list of feedback sent in by users of her very popular online service; tens of thousands of comments each year.

Here was a service manager who was listening to her users. She knew precisely which aspects of her service could be improved.

Her problem was how to deliver dozens of relatively small improvements, without breaking the bank or disrupting other priorities.

So I’m delighted that DVLA, under the new leadership of Oliver Morley, has found a way to help Carolyn and her users. Just before Christmas a new multi-disciplinary delivery team started work in Swansea, using Government Service Design Manual as a guide. When I popped in to see them in late January their story backlog was looking healthy.

Yesterday DVLA announced that they had put the beta release of the online tax disc service live. See the invitation to try the beta at the bottom of the screen grab below.

Screen Grab of new tax disc start page with beta link

The renew your tax disc page on GOV.UK, showing the invitation to try the new beta

Given the user research already done, the DVLA team are confident that the beta will be simpler, clearer and faster for users.

For example, the design now responds elegantly to different screen sizes, meaning the near-40% of visitors to GOV.UK who are using a mobile or tablet will get a vastly improved experience. That’s got to help encourage even more people to join the tens of millions who already buy their tax disc online every year.

The new beta now works properly on small screens

New vs old: The new beta now works properly on small screens

So if you’re due to renew your tax disc, visit the tax disc page on GOV.UK you’ll see an invitation to try the new beta version. The team is as keen as ever to improve the service in response to feedback from users.

What’s new is that DVLA can now iterate their service in a fraction of the time, and at a fraction of the cost.

So, in no particular order, congratulations to the DVLA team responsible: Matthew James, Craig James, Emma Kapias, Dianne Williams, Simon Taylor, Bethan Jewell, Michelle Phillips, Nic Walters, Ian Davies, Rhian Williams, Jim Frewin & Mark Jones.

We at GDS salute you. 

PS GDS has had almost no involvement in this project, other than applauding from the sidelines. This isn’t one of the 25 exemplar services we’re helping departments and agencies transform. As with the new DCMS intranet, this is simply DVLA demonstrating the new normal.

Follow Tom on Twitter, and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts.

Weekend links – flood help, social sharing, beautiful data and more


Got a link you think we’ll love? Share it with us on Twitter: @GDSTeam

A recent survey by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills suggests a sharp rise in the number of young people considering a career in engineering.

Find out how a crime is processed through the criminal justice system with this interactive film on police.uk.

We like the look of the Beautiful Science: Picturing Data, Inspiring Insight exhibition at the Folio Society Gallery, the British Museum.

Find out more about our social sharing experiment over on Inside GOV.UK.

Those working in government can learn how to request accessibility testing from GDS .

If you have been affected by the floods or you’d like volunteer help in your area, take a look at Flood Volunteers.

And finally, learn about the digital self assessment private beta launch over on the HMRC Digital blog.

Flood Hack: developing solutions


Flood Hack 2014

Last weekend, I joined a few GDS colleagues and around 200 developers, designers, emergency responders and entrepreneurs at Google Campus for a last-minute hackathon to help everyone affected by the floods.

The day of rapid prototyping was hosted by Tech City, helped by participation from Facebook, Conversocial, Twitter, Microsoft, Datasift, Twilio, Nominet Trust, TechHub, Taskhub, Shoothill, SessionDigital and InviqaGoogle. GDS colleagues worked with the Environment Agency to quickly publish additional data on floods for everyone to use.

The groups produced some wonderful tools to help residents in flooded areas, volunteers, public sector groups responding on the ground, and even developers themselves. The projects are covered in more depth by Tech City’s write-up and the page we built on the day.

Hastily formed #floodhack plan by Paul Downey

Hastily formed #floodhack plan by Paul Downey

Given that the whole event was organised in a day and a half, I was amazed at the result; many people had gave up half their weekend to muck in. Companies pitched in with food, a venue, APIs and prizes. The energy in the room was palpable; brainstorming in newly-formed teams, scrawling wireframes on paper and typing out lines of code.

I’ll admit I’m a veteran of hack days, but this one was special to me; it was to help our friends, family and fellow Brits who are underwater, or facing rebuilding. The projects were focused on meeting the needs of users in the middle of it. The “build it, ship it, iterate it” approach should make these projects even more useful for them. It reminded me of the kind of agile development we’re committed to at GDS.

It was a good days work from the skills of many different people in our community. Digital technology may not be the solution to every problem, but where we can connect people to timely information or to each other, it’s wonderful to help it happen. I hope these projects can be continued, expanded and improved; the world needs them.

Follow Hadley on Twitter, and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts.

GDS this week: “It’s not dumbing down, it’s opening up”


Lorena Sutherland, content lead for Office of the Public Guardian on GOV.UK, talks about the Plain English ethos of writing for GOV.UK.

Join in the conversation on Twitter @gdsteam, and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts.


Lorena Sutherland: I’m Lorena Sutherland and I’m the content lead working with the people at the Office of the Public Guardian. I did a workshop at Sprint Go on Standards and Style in GOV.UK.

The big one, and the one I actually bet everyone in the room a million pounds they would hear, is that they’d be told they were dumbing down at some point.

It always blows the top of my head off when people say that because I think it’s so incredibly rude. It suggests that there’s only smart people that we’re interested in writing stuff for but actually the point about plain English is that it’s a subset of all the English. So as long as you’re giving people plain English, you know that anyone who understands all the English can understand it.

But the benefit is that by making it plain and making it simple you get more people understanding what you’re saying, and this is really important because people don’t want to interact with us as a hobby, they have to interact with government or with agencies for some reason or another so we should make it as simple as possible for them and as inclusive as possible – it’s democratic.

If you look at this use of plain English it’s not dumbing down but actually opening up government information to all.

Red lines for IT procurement


In January, the government published some ‘red lines’ for IT contracts.  At the time, Bill Crothers, the government Chief Procurement Officer, described the reasoning behind them.  These rules apply to all central government, and should encourage competition whilst delivering value for money for the taxpayer.

We’ve received some questions; so we thought it would be helpful to explain these red lines in more detail.

No IT contract over £100 million in value – unless there is an exceptional reason to do so

When goods and services are bundled together into large contracts, you restrict competition.  Only those suppliers who can supply everything requested, and to this scale, can take part.  For old-style ICT outsourcing contracts, for example, there are only a handful of suppliers in the world who would bid.  It is more effective to start with user needs.  Buying particular goods or services separately allows a wider range of suppliers to bid, and helps include suppliers who specialise in those particular services.

If a company has a contract for service provision, it should not also do the service integration for that service

This is the statement that has caused the most discussion and we have been asked to clarify the best way to put this in place.

Service integration is the management of service providers; it makes sure that performance across a portfolio of multi-sourced goods and services meets user needs. This rule means that a company providing service integration should not manage the performance of itself.

Departments need to design their approach to service management around user needs.  Government must encourage competition by not purchasing a service and service integration through the same framework.

Some parts of service integration should be done by departments, and there may be occasions when everything can be done in-house.  Other departments may combine in-house support for end to end operation and then buy in specific services where needed.  For example, these services could be performance monitoring, service desk, or service level reporting. The G-Cloud framework offers many services to support service integration.

No automatic contract extensions

This is the most important of the red lines.  If a department extends a contract, it is preventing any competition, and it will likely not be getting the best value for money for the taxpayer.  Departments can avoid this by doing the right planning around contract end dates, and by publishing this information.  These measures help potential suppliers know when opportunities are available.

There may be cases where extending a contract offers the best value for money.  Departments should consider this well in advance with enough time to run a competition if needed.

New hosting contracts will not last for more than 2 years

As technology has improved, hosting has become heavily commoditised; particularly where it is provided as a service.  Prices continue to drop to reflect this.  Departments should be following government’s cloud first policy.  By doing this, they will take advantage of reducing prices by using competition regularly.  On GOV.UK, for example, we open the cloud hosting contract to competition on an annual basis (and switched providers last time).

Following best practice

If departments manage their technology effectively and follow the technology code of practice, they will meet these red lines anyway.

If a department breaches one or more red lines, their project will be subject to increased scrutiny.  This is to ensure that they will deliver value for money.  Contracts which breach these red lines may need extra measures put in place.  Examples of these are flexible exit strategies and frequent price comparison checkpoints.  Also, mechanisms that enable future technology innovations should be included without penalty or cost.

These rules will be enforced through the spending controls as is usual.

Of course, there will always be exceptional cases.  But if departments follow best practice as set out in the service manual, they are unlikely to encounter any problems.

If you have questions or comments, please email Alex from the OCTO team: alex.holmes@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk

Follow Alex on Twitter, and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts.

The end of the beginning for GOV.UK


The end of the beginning for GOV.UK

A project team in GDS is working to make sure GOV.UK can meet the needs of all its users, including specialists and professionals, when it becomes a fully-realised “single domain for government” later this year. Neil Williams, who leads the project, explains what they’re up to.

GOV.UK is GDS’s best-known product and biggest success story, but it’s by no means finished. Martha Lane-Fox tasked us with building a single domain for government, and the show ain’t over until the karaoke lady sings.

While, in fact, GOV.UK will never be finished (we will keep improving it for as long as it lives); a moment is fast approaching when we will have delivered on the original vision and reached the end of the beginning of the product’s development.

What we’ve done so far

The original vision for GOV.UK identified three distinct (but overlapping) categories of need that users have of government – “mainstream”, “democratic” and “specialist”. You might say we’ve been building towards that complete vision in phases as follows.

Phase one went live in October 2012. GOV.UK became the new home for the most commonly needed government services and information – ”mainstream” needs like registering a birth, paying car tax or employing staff for the first time.

Phase two saw ministerial departments transition in April 2013. GOV.UK became the place to see how central government works and what it is doing. This made it much easier than before to meet users’ “democratic” needs to find information about organisations from No 10 to DWP and to see their policies, announcements and other publications.

Phase three is underway now. By the end of July this year GOV.UK will become the home of services and information from the majority of central government agencies and arms-length bodies. This means “specialist” needs from hundreds of agencies – including household names like the Environment Agency, Companies House and the Highways Agency - will soon be met by GOV.UK.

It’s not just about content

There’s much more to completing the third phase than just adding a load of new content from these agencies and other bodies to the existing product.

While we’re proud of how well GOV.UK meets users’ mainstream and democratic needs, there are a number of gaps that need to be filled between now and the summer – most notably in the way the site meets the needs people have for specialist information and services.

These are the kind of needs agencies deal with in spades – things like drug safety alerts for medical professionals, guidance on reclaiming tax on gift aid, and reviewing air accident reports to spot patterns. GOV.UK has to provide new ways for users to find and browse the content that meets these needs – and many thousands of similarly narrow, deep needs.

The huge amount of this kind of content coming into the site has the potential to make it more difficult for existing users to find the content that meets their needs. So, we have to look again at GOV.UK as a whole, at how users search and browse, to ensure all users can find what they need in a much bigger site.

It’s a big test for the very idea of a single domain, and we’re not taking it lightly.

What we’re doing now

Following new year changes to support the transition programme, I’ve been working with a newly formed team of more than 30 people dedicated entirely to tackling these challenges. We are focusing our efforts on the following broad themes:

Improvements to browsing

We are introducing new browse pages which will bring together content of any type from right across GOV.UK relating to specialist or professional user needs, so that users can see everything that relates to their interests in one place.

For example, this test page about oil and gas. We’re also revisiting the purpose and usability of the navigation menu that sits across all pages of the “departments and policy” section.

Improvements to search

We will be significantly improving the effectiveness of GOV.UK’s site search. Possible changes include showing ‘scoped’ results relevant to the page from which the user began their search.

For example, when searching from the HMRC homepage, in future users may see only (or predominantly see) HMRC content in the results. It’s worth noting that for many people, site search will never be good enough (people expect magic) but it will be measurably better.

Orientation and user journeys

We’re attempting to tackle the question of how to help users determine whether the page they’ve reached on GOV.UK is the thing they needed, and, if not, to navigate towards the thing that better meets their need.

For example, can users recognise the difference between “free school meals” information for parents versus school managers when it’s all in the one website, and move between them if they’ve landed on the wrong page? This is a really tough problem, and will be a focus of lots of user research.

Guidance formats

We’ll improve the presentation and labelling of guidance content to accommodate new types of document and make a better reading experience for long text pages.

Variety of organisations

We’ll be making small changes to the way we profile organisations, teams, people and roles to better reflect the variety of needs agencies and ALBs have to meet.  Whereas the 24 ministerial departments of phase two had a lot in common, the bodies joining GOV.UK now are much more diverse – so, for example, their homepages must meet a much wider variety of needs.

If you’re interested in the details of all this work, we’ll be posting frequent updates over on the Inside GOV.UK blog.

The project will run until the summer. We can’t do everything that we’d like to in that time, and GOV.UK still won’t be perfect by the time the last agency joins. We’ll be focusing on doing the best job we can for users of the 15 agencies with most traffic to their existing sites, and filling as many other product gaps as we are able to in the time available.

And of course, beyond the summer we’ll keep on improving GOV.UK based on what we find out about what users need through ongoing feedback, research and analysis.

Follow Neil on Twitter, and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts.

What kind of things do people ask?


Once in a while we like to raise a flag to highlight the work of the teams in GDS and show how we work. This week Operations Manager Albert Massa tells us how the GOV.UK Helpdesk team helps users get fast answers to their problems and queries on GOV.UK.

Join the conversation on Twitter @GDSTeam, and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts.

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Albert Massa, GOV.UK Operations Manager:

There are a number of ways that users can get in touch with us for GOV.UK. We answer most of the questions that you might have via the material that’s on the support pages. If you still have an enquiry then you can come through the public contact form and that creates an email in our Zendesk system. You can assign various priorities to the issue, you can add comments, you can discuss the issue. When you have a final solution you would then let the original requester know and solve the case. We have a very rich source of feedback on exactly what users are saying.

Listening to users

Hopefully we’re like a good friend who always has the right answers and we’ll tell you that in very plain language. You have to be able to listen. You have to actually understand what is being asked and then I think you have to try in good faith to provide the best information that you can. GDS is refreshing in that there’s much more openness about sharing what’s going on with the product.

What kind of things do people ask?

There really is a huge range. Some of the enquiries that we get are very straightforward; it’s people perhaps not being able to find a piece of content. A lot of the tools and transactions that we link to through GOV.UK, we don’t directly control the content, but we do get plenty of feedback on those from our users. We would give the best information that we could and very often we’ll either pass the details on to that department or we will share direct contact details with the user. You do get that very positive interaction where you’ve given them the information; they’ll actually write back just to let you know, “Hey, thanks, I get it now, I really appreciate it.”

How many enquiries do we get?

The user certainly has something better to do than to contact you. I think of our contact rate as being a very good indicator of what we need to improve. For every million visits that we receive to GOV.UK we get about 243 contacts. It has come down almost every week since launch. You’re making the improvements that make it less necessary for people to actually contact us, that they can just get the information they need.

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