Celebrated each April, Earth Day is an opportunity for people to come together and show their support for environmental protection.
This Earth Day, we’re joined in conversation by Adam Turner from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Emily Labram from GDS’s Sustainability Network.
Adam talks us through some of the latest updates to the Greening Government ICT strategy, and together we explore how different parts of digital product teams can do their bit to contribute towards greener delivery.
We also hear how this thinking is being put into practice with contributions from:
- Rosa Ryou - Content Designer, GDS
- Matt Hobbs - Lead Frontend Developer for GOV.UK, GDS
- Mohamed Hamid - Infrastructure Engineer, Chief Digital Information Office at Cabinet Office
Some of the resources mentioned in the episode include the Service Manual, and the GDS Way, if you are interested in looking them up.
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