Thank you for joining us on our first live blog journey. Don't forget, we're keen to hear all your feedback - feel free to comment below.
"We'll hold you to that @gdsteam #Sprint16"
— Kit Collingwood (@kitterati) February 11, 2016
""Collective will and shared responsibility" to transform. "Be bold" - Nice closing remarks from @s_foreshew_cain at #Sprint16"
— David Tomchak (@djtomchak) February 11, 2016
"This will all be for nothing unless we're bold - @s_foreshew_cain and @JanetHughes #Sprint16 #BoldSquad"
— Jess McEvoy (@jessicalakevoy) February 11, 2016
"@gdsteam #Sprint16 @s_foreshew_cain : 'people don't care how much you know (in gov digital) until they know how much you care'"
— Nicolas Cary (@geektwogeek) February 11, 2016
"Unexpectedly inspiring day at #Sprint16. Really impressed by where uk gov is going w/digital @gdsteam @TechCityUK"
— Amali de Alwis (@amali_d) February 11, 2016
"Loving @aaronsnow talk at #Sprint16 thanks for coming over!"
— Nick M Halliday (@nickmhalliday) February 11, 2016
"Culture change happens when we deliver together - @aaronsnow #Sprint16 "
— Jess McEvoy (@jessicalakevoy) February 11, 2016
""The angels should be singing about a government procurement tool!" #Sprint16"
— Paul Clarke (@paul_clarke) February 11, 2016
Aaron Snow from 18F kicks off by declaring that he's come with stickers. He's done his audience research.
"'Common technology services = The tech stationary cupboard of government' Nice analogy from @liammax #Sprint16"
— Helen Mott (@mottlehen) February 11, 2016
"'...our main tool of disruption is...' @liammax talking about government technology at #Sprint16."
— GDS team (@gdsteam) February 11, 2016
"At #sprint16 where @liammax was just off the scale awesome."
— Eliot Fineberg (@eliotfineberg) February 11, 2016
"How the supplier landscape has changed in govtech #Sprint16 @liammax"
— Emer Coleman (@emercoleman) February 11, 2016
"@liammax "great technology is something that you don't really notice" couldn't agree more #sprint16"
— Lynn Hallam (@lynnhallam) February 11, 2016
"I think registers ARE sexy when done like http://country.register.gov.uk #Sprint16
HT @AlisonLDaniels & @foreignoffice"
— Glyn R Jones (@GlynRJones) February 11, 2016
Data panel in action:
"Update: it's panel time - always a good test of gender balance as it's so visible. Now 13-5 #Sprint16"
— Roxanne Asadi (@Miss_Asadi) February 11, 2016
Here's Paul Maltby's talking about government data:
‘Let's make data easy to put to good use’ @maltbyps. Here’s our vision for #data. #Sprint16
— GDS team (@gdsteam) February 11, 2016
"Custodians, not owners of data"
— Phil Hall (@philghall) February 11, 2016
The ethic framework for data science in uk gov at #Sprint16
— Amali de Alwis (@amali_d/) February 11, 2016
The Show and Tell sessions went down a storm. Lots of happy, engaged audience members learning more about transforming government together.
Here's some highlights:
This is universal, beyond just agile adoption, language is one of the biggest barriers to any ‘new thing’ #sprint16
— Kamran Rahimian (@kamranv) February 11, 2016
Next we have the second set of talks. See what's coming up on the agenda.
And here's some feedback from the agile session:
"Gosh, the talk and doctrine on agile by MOJ / UKTI / GDS is marvellous, truly exceptional. So good to hear #Sprint16
— swardley (@swardley) February 11, 2016
Don't forget to tune into the Periscope live feed from the 'How to be agile in a non-agile environment' session. An accessible version of it will be available on YouTube soon.
From the GOV.UK Verify Show and Tell:
"We've been collaborating since before it was cool" says @JanetHughes with @NicJonHarrison at #Sprint16 - love it
— Andrew Besford (@abesford) February 11, 2016
We're taking a short break now - back soon with updates from the Show and Tells, before the second half of talks start at 4pm.
Find out what's coming up on the full agenda and continue to follow the action on Twitter. See you shortly.
Soon in the UK, you will be able to plead guilty online - saving time and money. Smarter Justice insights from @harbott @ #sprint16
— Tom McCann (@Mrtommccann) February 11, 2016
You can take a closer look at this map on the GDS Flickr.
Now we're getting to the really good stuff. Data maps for the whole of the MOJ #Sprint16
— SciSpy (@SciSpy) February 11, 2016
What's the future of Gov.uk Pay? "OK Google, How much do I owe HMRC? OK, pay it just before it's due". #sprint16
— Craig Cockburn (@siliconglen) February 11, 2016
Pete Herlihy's presenting outfit is proving popular:
.@yahoo_pete in traditional dress for the GOV.UK Notify demo at #Sprint16
— Henry Hadlow (@henryhadlow) February 11, 2016
Love it! @yahoo_pete a genuinely excellent shirt. Stolen the show... #Sprint16
— Andrew Mellish (@AndrewMellish) February 11, 2016
1 in 4 calls to gov is someone asking for an update about something - gov.uk notify is going to fix this #Sprint16
— Jess McEvoy (@jessicalakevoy) February 11, 2016
Super-clean interface for Gov.UK - paying government now looks easier than paying Amazon... #Sprint16
— Matt Foster at CSW (@CSWDepEd) February 11, 2016
Watch how government departments are working together to solve common problems once...#Sprint16
— GDS team (@gdsteam) February 11, 2016
@gdsteam #sprint16 @cjwferguson: 'need to build services from reusable components and stop installing a kitchen every time we want a meal'
— Nicolas Cary (@geektwogeek) February 11, 2016
"Great Estonia is here... International collaboration is essential" - @MattHancockMP of @cabinetofficeuk #Sprint16
— Chris Holtby (@HMAChrisHoltby) February 11, 2016
This is ground-breaking.
Good stuff, #sprint16.
— Giuseppe Sollazzo (@puntofisso) February 11, 2016
#Sprint16 is now trending across the UK
This sounds great from #sprint16 - enabling startups to create services on top of govt data and APIs
— Coadec (@coadec) February 11, 2016
Interesting to see what keywords are being used:
Trending keywords from #Sprint16 - #gov #digitaltransformation #relationship #citizen
— Antonio Santos (@akwyz) February 11, 2016
Eileen Burbidge is up next:
TechNation 2015 report 28 tech clusters in UK, job creation 3x faster than national average @eileentso #Sprint16
— Kylie Mulholland (@Kylie_ProdMgr) February 11, 2016
#Sprint16 is trending in London:
#Sprint16 trending in London already @gdsteam
— Marged Lloyd (@marged) February 11, 2016
Matt Hancock talks about collaboration:
.@MattHancockMP says we need to collaborate across govt to make sure user needs are at the forefront #Sprint16
— Flo Barnett (@flobarnett) February 11, 2016
Encouraging & positive words from RH @MattHancockMP on UK Gov transformation. The role of GDS is to support, challenge & lead #Sprint16
— swardley (@swardley) February 11, 2016
Stephen Foreshew-Cain, our Executive Director welcomed everyone to Sprint 16 and said this:
Everyone in the civil service has a part to play in transforming the relationship between the citizen and the state
Matt Hancock, Minister for the Cabinet Office, is our first speaker today.
Create common platforms to solve common problems across Gov. Grt msgs #sprint16 #interoperability across dept@EY_UKI
— Margarete McGrath (@margaretemcgrat) February 11, 2016
Registration is almost over - the main event is due to start at 1.15pm.
First up will be our very own Executive Director Stephen Foreshew-Cain, followed by Minister for the Cabinet Office Matt Hancock.
Follow live on Twitter #Sprint16 @gdsteam, and keep checking back here for updates, photos, videos, and quotes.
Not sure what #Sprint16 is all about? Here's the highlights from Sprint 15:
Registration begins shortly. In the meantime, anticipation is building.
Join the conversation #Sprint16 @gdsteam.
Excited to be attending #Sprint16 today - impressive agenda @gdsteam #transformgov
— Lesley Allen (@misslesley) February 11, 2016
We're heading to the @gdsteam event today, both physically and virtually. Join the conversation #Sprint16
— Snook (@wearesnook) February 11, 2016
Bright colours and Transport 2 font all over a funky venue = must be time for #Sprint16 @gdsteam
— David Tagg-Oram (@davidtaggoram) February 11, 2016
Looking forward to #Sprint16 tomorrow
— Derek du Preez (@Derek_duPreez) February 11, 2016
Big day for @gdsteam as they unveil new Pay and Notify platforms - but will they bring Whitehall with them? More on my blog later
— Rory Cellan-Jones (@BBCRoryCJ) February 11, 2016
#Sprint16 is about to begin.
This is the first time we’ve live-blogged an event. The idea is to share the audience perspective, links to more information, and snippets of the day. We hope to start a conversation that will continue long after #Sprint16 is over.
As with anything new, we’re not sure how this will go. We could end up with a fantastic resource and record of the event, but we might not. We really appreciate your feedback and input: this year’s Sprint is all about transforming government together, and that togetherness starts from the ground up. Live blogs included.
We’ll be updating this blog throughout the day, so bookmark this page and check back now until around 6pm tonight.
Feel free to comment below, or on Twitter @gdsteam #Sprint16.