It’s Mike Bracken’s last day today, and on behalf of everyone at GDS I want to say this: thank you, Mike.
Government, and government services, have changed beyond all recognition since 2010 when this all began. You’ve been pivotal in making that happen.
Personally Mike, I just want to say this: the past year and a half has been amongst the most challenging, exciting, and rewarding I’ve ever had working in digital and technology, and I’m here because of you. Your influence will continue to be felt, long after you’ve gone. We wish you all the best of luck in your new role at the Co-operative Group.
Meanwhile, @gdsteam will keep doing what it does best: collaborating with colleagues from all over government to design and develop great new tools and services. Starting small, and iterating towards better. Starting with user needs, not government needs.
I always liked your catchphrase. In a single word, you acknowledged the path we were treading, the work done to date and our ambitions for what’s yet to come: “onwards”. That’s the direction we’re all heading; not so much parting ways, more like just forking the repository.