This week we celebrated that we have transitioned more than 100 websites to GOV.UK over the last 12 months; 102 to be exact. Elisse Jones, GOV.UK Departmental Engagement Lead, talks about the challenges of such a big programme of work, while G-Cloud Product Manager Stuart Reeve updates us on the latest iteration of the G-Cloud procurement framework.
Follow Elisse Jones (GOV.UK Departmental Engagement Lead): @ElisseJones
Elisse Jones: Since last year we’ve transitioned over 102 agency and ALB (Arm’s Length Body) organisations and their associated websites over to GOV.UK. This is a third of the way through. We know that we’ve got another 193 to transition and we think that’s about 350 to 400 more websites. Some of them can be done as quickly as 4 to 6 weeks, and the bigger ones we know are going to take at least 6 months going right through to 12 months purely because of the amount of content. With the top 20, we’re at the user needs step of the process, so before Christmas those agencies should all be ready to start building and creating the content that we agree should be moved over to GOV.UK, and at the same time archiving the content that no longer meets a user need.
Stuart Reeve: G-Cloud is a procurement framework for procuring cloud commodity services. It’s like any other procurement framework except that it’s open for the entire public sector to use whenever they need it. Last week we had the latest iteration of that go out to G4. We had a really good turnout; we had 999 suppliers with over 13,000 services now live for the whole public sector to buy, and we also had 84% of those coming from SMEs. We’ve had an additional number, obviously quite a lot more suppliers come on, more services, and generally lower prices for the services as well, so the public sector buyers should be able to get a better selection of services at a better price.
Filed under: GDS