Today we welcome the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Justice to the Inside Government section of GOV.UK.
This takes the total number of ministerial departments that have moved their corporate information to GOV.UK up to 20, leaving just 4 more to go.
This is fantastic progress and we’d like to thank colleagues in these organisations for all their hard work over the last few months and weeks, especially David Pearson at Defra and Nick Cammell at MOJ.
Preparing Inside Government for the transition of each organisation invariably involves new features and of course a significant increase in content.
Highlights amongst these recent transitions include the addition of 29 new policies, taking the total number of policies up to 189. For each policy, you can read about the desired outcomes and see all the related announcements, consultations and publications in a single list called ‘Latest’, making it easier to track what has changed or is happening as a result.
We have also released a new navigation bar for Inside Government and a section on opportunities to engage with government; Get involved.
For more regular updates on Inside Government releases, you can follow our Tumblr blog, Inside Inside Government.
Last leg
We began transition of ministerial departments to Inside Government in November last year and by the end of April this year the remaining 4 will have completed the move.
We’ll be posting more details on those launches and what ‘completion’ means soon.
Filed under: Inside Government