All of the talks and all of the workshops from SPRINT 13 are now available online. Filmed live at the event on 21 January, they’re a celebration of the best digital work in government today.
SPRINT13 set the ambitious goal of transforming services over the next 400 days.
Francis Maude’s opening speech set the stage, while Stephen Kelly’s closing remarks outlined the approach government will be taking to transform digital services.
In between we had talks from Antonia Romeo about digital innovation at the Ministry of Justice and Brian Etheridge about the Department for Transport’s approach to digital partnerships and leadership.
Martha Lane Fox was a brilliant host for the day’s events, and her illuminating discussion with Ian Trenholm revealed more about Digital leadership and digital innovation at DEFRA.
Meanwhile, you can read more about the workshops held throughout the day on the SPRINT13 event page.
Filed under: GDS, SPRINT, SPRINT 13